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Building and packaging with the automated MSDOS script make.cmd.
On this page:
make.cmd is a MSDOS (extended mode) batch file which fully automates several tasks.
After installing the required software, make.cfg must be configured to use it. Generally this only requires modifying the WDK SETUP section so make.cmd can locate your WDK installation. See the comments in make.cfg for more information.
make.cmd build
make.cmd command[=value] <command-specific-arguments>
Command[=value] | command-specific-arguments |
If no setenv.bat command-specific arguments are specified, make.cmd will use the defaults defined by WDK_DEF_ENV_OPTIONS. See the WDK SETUP section in make.cfg. | For more information, see Using the SetEnv.bat
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make.cmd build make.cmd build chk make.cmd build sign make.cmd build wxp chk sign
make.cmd dist make.cmd dist chk make.cmd dist=finalize chk sign
make.cmd clean make.cmd clean=full
; BUILD CONFIGURATION FILE ; ; NOTES: ; * Type 'make.cmd help' for more information. ; * It is not required to execute make.cmd from within a WDK build environment. ; * When make.cmd is executed from within a WDK build environment, it updates ; WDK_DIR and WDK_DEF_ENV_OPTIONS in this cfg file; use this to quickly ; configure make.cfg automatically. ; * If make.cmd cannot locate a required build component it may prompt the user ; with options to locate them. ; ; WDK SETUP ----------------------------------------------------------- ; To download a Microsoft WDK release see: ; http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/wdk/wdkpkg.mspx ; The build process cannot continue unless some version of WDK is located. ; WDK_DIR=Z:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1 WDK_DEF_ENV_OPTIONS=chk x86 WIN7 WDK_BUILD_OPTIONS=/cegZ WDK_SOURCES_LIST=libusbK.sys; libusbK.lib; kList.exe; kBench.exe; dpscat.exe; libusbK.dll; ;WDK_SOURCES_LIST=libusbK.lib; kList.exe; kBench.exe; dpscat.exe; libusbK.dll; NO_OACR=no_oacr ; BUILD --------------------------------------------------------------- ; BUILD_QUIET=1 BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE_DIR=bin ; TARGET_OUTPUT_ABS_DIR is what the TARGETPATH must be set to in the ; sources file. This is a special (more dynamic) setting value that is ; loaded before each target. The .sources file TARGETPATH must be set ; to this. ; ie: TARGETNAME = $(G_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME) ; and TARGETPATH = $(G_TARGET_OUTPUT_ABS_DIR) ; TARGET_OUTPUT_ABS_DIR=!G_BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE_ABS_DIR!\!G_TARGET_OUTPUT_FILENAME_EXT! ; CLEAN --------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; If make.cmd is executed with the 'clean' argument, these directories ; and files will be recursively cleaned from the dir and subdirs this ; config file resides in. ; CLEAN_BIN_EXP=\\Debug\\ \\Release\\ \.pdb$ \.exp$ \\libusbK-[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*-setup- \.bmp$ CLEAN_SRC_EXP=resharper \\obj \\bin\\ \\buildfre \\buildchk \.suo$ \.sln\.DotSettings$ \.user$ \.ncb$ \.orig$ \\Debug \\Release \\x64 \\x86 \\testing\\libusbK.lib \.\\build_env_vars\.lst \\doc\\output \\inf-wizard2\\lib\\libwdi\.lib$ \\libwdi\\embedded\.h$ \\libwdi\\embedder\.ilk$ \\libwdi\\embedder\.pdb$ \\libwdi\\embedder\.exe$ \\InfWizard.aps$ \\\.vs CLEAN_PACKAGE_TEMP_EXP=\.remove-me\. ; DIST ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This is the list of env build settings to build for a distribution set. ; Each comma delimited item represents a distinct set of target binaries ; that will be built for every source file in WDK_SOURCES_LIST when 'dist' ; is used on the commandline. ; DIST_BUILD_LIST=x64 WNET; 64 WNET; WXP; ; PACKAGE ------------------------------------------------------------- ; PACKAGE_ROOT_NAME=libusbK PACKAGE_DIR=package PACKAGE_ALL_NAME=all PACKAGE_SRC_NAME=src PACKAGE_BIN_NAME=bin PACKAGE_ZIP_EXT=7z PACKAGE_TEMP_DIR=!G_PACKAGE_DIR!\output ; F_PACKAGE_NAME will evaluate to all, src, or bin (see above) depending on ; the operation. F_PACKAGE_VERSION will evaluate to the 'PACKAGE' version ; defined in make.versions. ; PACKAGE_NAME_FORMAT=!G_PACKAGE_ROOT_NAME!-!F_PACKAGE_VERSION!-!F_PACKAGE_NAME! PACKAGE_ALL_SUBDIR_FORMAT=!G_PACKAGE_ROOT_NAME!-!F_PACKAGE_VERSION! ; SIGN ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;SIGN_CERT_FILE=!CD!\cert\DigiCert.crt SIGN_CERT_NAME=Travis Lee Robinson SIGN_CERT_TIMESTAMP=/t http://timestamp.digicert.com SIGN_CERT_ARGS=sign /v /ac "!G_SIGN_CERT_FILE!" /s my /n "!G_SIGN_CERT_NAME!" !G_SIGN_CERT_TIMESTAMP! SIGN_CERT_VERIFY_ARGS=verify /kp /v ; GCC ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; MINGW_W64_DIR=C:\MinGW64 MINGW_W32_DIR=C:\MinGW ; FORMATCODE ---------------------------------------------------------- ; If make.cmd is executed with the 'formatcode' argument, FORMATCODE_EXE ; will be executed and FORMATCODE_ARGS will be passed in as an argument. ; Download astyle at astyle.sourceforge.net. ; FORMATCODE_EXE=C:\Windows\AStyle.exe FORMATCODE_STA_OPS=--pad-oper --indent=tab --lineend=windows --align-pointer=type --style=allman FORMATCODE_ARGS=!G_FORMATCODE_STA_OPS! --recursive *.c *.cpp *.h; ; MISC ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; This will enable log messages for make.cmd. SCRIPT_DEBUGGING=0 ; Month, day and year used in the version header template _MM_=!DATE:~4,2! _DD_=!DATE:~7,2! _YYYY_=!DATE:~10,4! ; Only used to generate a test inf file. ; NOTE: the '^' is only there to escape the '&' for make.cmd. ; BENCHMARK_DEVICE_HWID=USB\VID_04D8^&PID_FA2E ; Only used to generate a test inf file. ; {6C696275-7362-2D77-696E-33322D574446} is the GUID libusbK will assign ; if the 'DeviceInterfaceGUIDs' key is not found/invalid. ; To set this key from the inf file, update the line: ; HKR,,DeviceInterfaceGUIDs, 0x10000,"{your-guid}" ; in the 'UsbK_Device_HW_AddReg' section. ; BENCHMARK_DEVICE_GUID={00006275-7362-2D77-696E-33322D574446} ; Full path to Visual studio devenv.com ; Used for building libwdi & InfWizard2 ; DEVENV_EXE="%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\devenv"
PACKAGE =; NUL; NUL; libusbK.sys = PACKAGE; .\common_version_h.in; .\src\sys\lusbk_version.h; libusbK.lib = PACKAGE; .\common_version_h.in; .\src\lib\lusbk_version.h; libusbK.dll = PACKAGE; .\common_version_h.in; .\src\dll\lusbk_version.h; kBench.exe = PACKAGE; .\common_version_h.in; .\src\kBench\lusbk_version.h; kList.exe = PACKAGE; .\common_version_h.in; .\src\kList\lusbk_version.h; dpscat.exe = PACKAGE; .\common_version_h.in; .\src\dpscat\lusbk_version.h;